• 100% Handmade & Sun Dried
  • Made with Fresh Ingredients
  • 100% Vegan
  • The taste of koli-Achara

BouRaAchara- (Mother's Pickle)

BouRaAchara started to spread happiness to all our customers who are missing the unique taste of bara koli. Goes by various name in different states- Kul in Bengali, Bara-koli in Odia, Bor in Hindi, Jujube -globally. The Indian berry has various health benefits. From being a stress free to natural prebiotics it helps in digestion, good blood circulation also helps in managing glucose. It’s a seasonal fruit but we try our best to make available all through the year. Our moto is to spread happiness to various geographies domestic and international.

Started by Duo Mother-in-law and Daughter in law. It all started when one day the daughter in law received a gift package made with love from her mother in law, guess what? it was the koli-achara(Pickle). The daughter in law missed the unique flavour of the Jujube pickle since it is not readily available and getting the same is very difficult. The love for koli-Achara made her to do a quick survey online , only to find that there are lots of people missing the taste. She started sharing the pickle to different people to taste. Every time some one taste, they wanted more as the taste was wonderful and lip smacking and scintillating. The good part even children loved it. This made her to tag along with her mother-in-law for BouRaAchara.

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